Cleansing herbs are the roots, barks, mushrooms, seeds of berries of various plants that help cleanse our bodies of various toxins we accumulate from environmental pollutants and foods we ingest. Lucky nature has give us a bunch of allies that help detoxify our bodies of such harmful toxins.
Some cleansing herbs and roots come from a very important class of herbs in botanical medicine, called herbal alteratives. Alteratives are blood purifiers that "alter" the condition of our blood by assimilating nutrients and eliminating metabolic waste products. Most of these have a bitter principle that help stimulate and activate the liver. This aids in digestion and bile production and helps break down unusable fats into usable nutrients. They also help neutralize acidic conditions in the body.
Super herbs, seeds, roots, bark, berries, and mushrooms for detoxifying the liver and intestines:
Dandelion root, is one of the top cleansing herbs used for the liver. It is a nutritious bitter root that cleanses the blood, tissues, and lymph. It has been used for centuries as a remedy to treat all types of ailments such as hepatitis to skin disorders.
Yellow Dock Root, is a liver cleanser that helps to clear the skin and aids in the digestion of fatty foods.
Milk Thistle Seeds, has a flavonoid called silymarin that helps aid in the repair of damaged tissue in the liver.
Burdock Root, is a great nourishing root that works with the liver and lymph to purify the blood stream of toxins.
Oregon Grape Root, is a great cleansing herb for ridding the blood and tissue of toxins and waste products. It is perfect for people with skin disorders and who may want to lose weight. It also aids in the digestion of oils and fats. (Oregon Grape Root is used in herbal formulas to enhance their medicinal properties).
Sarsaparilla Root, is a blood purifier and has been proven to help in mercury poisoning cases. Sarsaparilla root tea has been used by many to treat conditions like svere swelling like gout and arthritis.
Schizandra Berries, is a blood purifier that promotes liver health and helps to enhance eyesight and beautify the skin. It also helps protect the liver from poisons.
Reishi Mushroom, has a powerful shielding effect on the liver, reishi acts like a antihistamine, increasing the oxygen utilization and liver functions.
Pau d'arco Bark, is a powerful antifungal and can be used a tea to eliminate yeast, parasites and candida from the digestive tract. The Pau d'arco bark is great to use for autoimmune disorders ans also acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and a mild laxative.
Black Walnut Hulls, oxygenates the blood to kill parasites with its unique composition of juglone, tannins and natural iodine. Black walnut hulls are a antiseptic, germicide, a parasitic and a laxative.
Turmeric Root, is commonly used as a potent detoxifier by many herbalist, helps with digestive weakness, skin issues, IBS, colitis or diarrhea. The fresh root or tincture can be used for greater effectiveness at decreasing congestion of the lungs, throat, intestinal tract and stomach.
Helpful Reminders of Detoxing
Detox Healing of the liver, when the liver organ is backed-up and burdened with waste material we tend to experience emotional states such as irritation and anger. Sometimes, when using cleansing herbs, we may feel these emotions surface for short periods of time as the body expels toxins out of our bodies. These healing crisis are short lived, however are sometimes a necessary part of the cleansing process.