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Black Morels

Edibility - Superior 
Health Benefits - Excellent
Morchella elata
Photo taken by Calvin De Jong


Kingdom Fungi
Division Ascomycota
Subdivision Pezizomyctina
Class Pezizomycetes
Order Pezizales
Family Morchellaceae
Genus Morchella
Species M. elata

Cap Height 12mm - 50mm

Cap Width 12mm - 37mm

Spore print cream to light yellow

Odor & taste mild, nutty flavor

Edibility edible

Stipe smooth to slightly ridged or wrinkled

Cap conical, with a pitted surface

Mycelium white



Morchella elata, the Black Morel fungi, fruits from March to June and is a very popular edible fungus. It's typically black with light brown shades in the honeycomb pockets with a white to off white stipe ( stem ). The cap looks a lot like a honeycomb with black to brownish-black ridges, and yellowish-brown pits they are completely hollow and separated from the stipe, only being attached at the tip of the cap and bottom on the stipe. 




Distribution and habitat

Black morels typically grow in small groups, in semi disturbed areas and in burn areas, fire morels like to grow in pine and spruce stands. They love to grow where the needle bed is reddish and are often found in between tree roots or the shade of fallen timber. You won’t have much luck where regrowth has started, that is typically where the ground has already ‘greened up’.


Tree association spruce, pine, ash, tulip, cottonwood, aspen.

Soil needle duff.

Fruiting time spring, early summer, April-June.

Fruiting temprature 40-50 °F

Uses & Benefits

Black morels are an excellent addition to your diet, they contain a significant amount of nutrients like Iron, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Riboflavin and a decent dose of Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, Thiamine, Vitamins E and B6. Some of the amazing benefits you will receive from this delicious mushroom are protection from oxidative stress, which can cause some severe conditions like cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, and diabetes types 1 and 2 this is due to the high levels of antioxidants. It can also enhance liver function and boost your immune system while protecting you from some viral infections.


Parts used:

Fruiting body



Health benefits:

Boost immune system

Aid in liver function


lower cholesterol



Ways to use:








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Calvin De Jong

Content Writer/Photographer

I am a naturalist from the Okanagan. My passions are taken photos of nature and foraging all its wonders.

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Hello, my name is Calvin, I have been foraging for many years my passions are foraging cooking and making medicine for friends and family.

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